Don't smother under a towel.
Enjoy the view, the breeze, and
the shade! The Headshade
provides a very comfortable
headrest along with protection
from the damaging rays of the
sun. If you feel like you have
had too much sun or that your
nose is burning, simply put up
the shade.
The Headshade is lightweight,
compact, and easy to take along
on any outdoor activity. The
Headshade is great for reading,
sleeping, tanning, or just
relaxing at the beach.
[Rotates in all directions to shade off sun]
The Headchair gently supports your
head in the perfect position for both
comfort and vision. The Headchair is a
compact, durable, and comfortable
headrest that folds up for easy
storage in your pocket or purse. It
can be used for reading, while at the
beach, camping, hiking, biking,
watching TV, working on your car, or
any other time that you find yourself
lying on your back.
Assorted Colors!
Dealer inquireys welcome
Also available custom imprint
Coming soon to a Beach
or Pool near you!!!
The original HEADCHAIR is a super-comfortable
inexpensive and compact headrest. It is
virtually indestructable and holds your
head at the perfect height.
+ ($3.00 S&H)
The HEADSHADE is an innovative new product that attatches
to the HEADCHAIR and rotates to block sun's
damaging rays from any direction.
Headchair & Shade